Drawing on diverse interests, passions, and professional experiences in museums, we come together to realize WCMA’s mission.
Williams College
Museum of Art
15 Lawrence Hall Drive, Ste 2
Williamstown, MA 01267
tel. 413-597-2429
Karl Aleman-Valencia
Student Program Assistant
Michele Alice
Madeleine Andersen
Digital Data Intern
Sara Bonthuis
Dan Byers
Ted Carey
Julia Clark
Curatorial Collections Intern
Christa Clarke
Director of Curatorial Strategy, Museum Project
Amy Cohen-McFall
Visitor Services Associate
Roz Crews
Lisa Dorin
Rebecca Dravis
Yasmine Faigle
Curatorial Collections Intern
Beth Fischer
Pamela Franks
Class of 1956 Director
Elizabeth Gallerani
Alex Groff
Nancy Gwozdz
Parvin Hajizadeh
Diane Hart
Rachel Heisler
Kira Hernandez
Digital Data Intern
Jess Hu
Communications Intern
Hugo Ichioka
Student Program Assistant
Fred Larabee
Elizabeth Levie
Curatorial Engagement Intern
Suzanne Little-Stefanik
Andrew Lu
Deputy Director's Intern
Linda McGraw
Jinze Mi
Curatorial Intern
Sidra Michael
Curatorial Engagement Intern
Kevin M. Murphy
Rachael Nelson
Carolina Pacheco
Engagement Intern
Barbara Palmer
Cathy Place
Visitor Services Associate
Elsie Qiu
Curatorial Collections Intern
Brian Repetto
Maureen Riley-Moriarty
Visitor Services Associate
Elida Rosse
Elizabeth Sandoval
Eloise Schrier
Director's Intern
Noah Smalls
Yeldana Talgatkyzy
Student Program Assistant
Karthik Tambar
Student Program Assistant
Gayle Tardif-Raser
Visitor Services Associate
Rachel Tassone
Amy Tatro
Phillip Taylor
Tashfa Zafar
Student Program Assistant